Where we Work

At Agri Planet Africa, we are dedicated to improving the lives of smallholder farmers across Africa through innovative permaculture farming techniques and resources. To this end, we have established farm resource centers in Masindi District, Uganda, and Kyangwali in the Kikuube District.

Our farm resource centers in Masindi and Kyangwali provide a range of services to local farmers, including training in modern permaculture farming techniques, access to specialized equipment and machinery, and assistance with marketing and selling their crops.

Masindi District, Uganda: Located in the western region of Uganda, Masindi is home to a diverse group of smallholder farmers who grow various crops, including cassava, maize, beans, and coffee. Our farm resource center in Masindi focuses on helping farmers in the region adopt modern permaculture farming practices, including improved seeds and seedlings, effective watering techniques, and improved storage and post-harvest handling methods. We also provide financial management and business planning training to help farmers increase their profits and build sustainable farming businesses.

Kyangwali, Kikuube District: Located in western Uganda, Kyangwali is a vibrant agricultural region known for producing rice, maize, beans, and peanuts. Our farm resource center in Kyangwali is focused on helping farmers in the region adopt sustainable farming practices that are environmentally friendly and financially viable. We provide training on a range of topics, including soil management, water conservation, and the use of organic fertilizers and pest control methods. We also assist farmers with marketing and selling their crops through training on business planning and connecting them with buyers in local and international markets.

Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to working closely with farmers in these regions to help them increase their yields, improve the quality of their crops, and achieve greater economic stability.

We are proud to be making a positive impact in the lives of smallholder farmers in Masindi, Kyangwali, and across the African continent. We look forward to continuing to expand our work across Africa.